Monday, February 11, 2013

A Completely New Book

That's right. It ain't gonna be a new chapter, but a start for a whole new book!

Believe it or not, I'm a working adult now. I'm currently working in MRSM G****. It's not in my homeland, but luckily it's not that far away from home either (about 3hours drive if you're the safe-slow type).

I'm still trying to get used to the new culture there. The place is almost a total opposite of the previous school I was in...I'm talking about the culture and acceptance of English so it was a bit of a culture shock when I first got there. You know, when a 14 year-old ask you in class, "Miss, do you like sarcasm?" you can help but feel thrown aback by it. I mean, the first time I ever understood (or even heard the word) was when I was in college, doing my A-levels...and I'm an English teacher for God's sake!

Apart from that, nothing really changes. I'm still broke. Most of the time, I'm on my own. 

At home, things don't look too well for my parents...
My dad seems a bit more easily tired than usual...he sleeps more, moves slower and his hearing is also not as it was before...and this all happened after his blood-pressure incident last December...

I hope things don't get worse for both Mom and Dad while I'm away.

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