Thursday, December 8, 2011

"How come?"

While looking at the moon, my Mom started this conversation in relations to one of my sisters...

Mama: "How come everybody else's kids can find their partners so easily?"

Me: "Wha?"

Mama: "You know, why is it that everybody else's kids around here are able to find their partners so easily but not my -"

Me: "How many times have I not ask myself the same question, Ma"

Mama: "No, no you're different. You're still young, plus you're still studying"

Me: "And yet all of my friends are either married or engaged"

Mama: "But they're different from you. You've changed now. The way you dress, you just need to change a bit more and-"

Me: "You think guys will come at me because of that? I don't think so. You know what? I'm 90% sure that wouldn't happen"

For some reason there's something about my sister and I that are scaring all the good guys away. Everywhere I look, I see my friends, my relatives, people that I know taking a step forward in building their future and I never fail to wonder, "How come?".

And I've been trying my best to stop asking myself that, because I know it's still not my time.

Still there are times when I feel my chest tightening up (hopefully I haven'y any heart problems or anything...) when I think about these things. 
But I know things can never go as we plan them to be. 
70% of the time, you'll never get what you want in life.

For instance,

I applied for an architectural degree but passed for an education one instead.
I wanted to live alone but had to live in a shared apartment instead.
I was looking for Naruto but found Futurama instead.
I wanted to go back with Jetstar but had to go with Emirates instead.
I wanted to try the new pizza,....and I got what I wanted!

It's just life. You get some, you lose a lot.

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