Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Day is Today? - It's 'Ask Bokte a Question Day'!! Yay~~~

So finally I am able to get out of the house after a cooping up from Friday!
The weather was awesome, and you can feel the heat of the coming summer peeking in already.

But for some reason, I though to myself, 
"I'm gonna go black/white today as a revenge for not being able to celebrate the ABs parade yesterday!"
And so, I went out to submit my assignment with my usual striped oversized jumper and all.... the same jumper I always wear during winter.... despite the fact that it was pretty hot outside..... ( = ... = ')

So, after about two minutes of walking down from the apartment, I find myself wiping off the drops of sweat that're rolling like lottery balls down my forehead. And I couldn't roll up my sleeves because the jumper has a bat-wing design, so the lower arms are tighter than the upper arms. 
I felt and (I bet) looked like a steamed red-bean bun!

And uni never felt so far...after all that wiping and re-wiping of my cheek, forehead, nose and all other wipe-able parts of my body, I finally got to uni. And still sweating like soup-lid, I quickly took the pen from the receptionist table and sat down in the corner to fill the cover-sheet before an unfamiliar voice followed me and went, 

"Excuse me. Excuse me"

The guy and his (probably) girlfriend are my classmates in one of the courses I'm taking this semester...though I wouldn't have known if he didn't say so. And he's worried about the assignments that he submitted. So he started asking me all these questions, which is all right, I tried my best to help............but what boggles me is,(even till now) why me?? 

There I was, with eyes tired and (a bit) swollen due to lack of sleep, sweating furiously by myself in a lobby where there were CLEARLY others who were also submitting the same assignment....... and he chose to ask me???

That aside, I decided to NOT go home and change, but instead head all the way down to Queen St to get a nice Chiller and get a new pair of glasses! And this as expected caused me to transform into another form of steamed object once more. 

But still! A nice lady decided to ask me for directions. At this stage, I was starting to wonder if my weird sense of clothing and reaction to temperature might after all be rather appealing to some. But again, I tried my best to help, and I hope she got to where she wanted to go. 

Well it might be nothing much to some. But to me, having two strangers approach me in one day is a HUGE deal! 
If you know me, you'd know I don't get much good attraction. The people who approach me are either not normal or sales-person.....

Maybe I should wear the wrong shirt for the wrong season more often from now on....

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