Friday, May 20, 2011

Did You Know? #2 - Foot Banana

Yes, Foot Banana. Such fruit exist!

If you look for it in Malaysia and say it in Bahasa, of course. 


Because Foot Banana literally translates as 'Pisang Kaki' which also equals to 'Persimmon' in English.


Here's a visual translation,
In Bahasa, 'Persimmon'

is called 'Pisang Kaki'. In which if translated to English would be,

'Banana' ('Pisang') and,

'Foot' ('Kaki'). 

Absolutely unappetizing, I know. 

But it's just the name, of course. 
In the end, no matter how you say it, it's still the sweet, plump, orange delight that never fails to capture my Mom's heart~

At this point you might go, "What the? Your Mom??? What's she got to do with this??"

Well the thing is, my Mom really loves Pisang Kaki. No jokes about that.
That aside, even to this day, I still wonder...why on earth is it called Pisang Kaki???

It doesn't look like a Pisang (Banana), nor does it look like Kaki (Foot)?! 


But did you also know that 'Kaki' on its own also refers to a type of Persimmon in Japanese?!

Yes, 'Kaki' (柿)  is actually Japanese Persimmon

So, maybe the 'kaki' in 'Pisang Kaki' doesn't actually refer to the 'foot' but actually to '柿'?

But what about the 'Pisang' part?? 


Well, look that up yourself! I'm tired, so I'm out~

**images courtesy of Wikipedia**

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